One of the great blessings of serving God is being able to raise our children according to His word. Every service, our children’s church workers have the privilege of teaching the word of God to these young lives at a level that they can understand. The children’s church ministry is vital to the raising up of young lives in the Lord. We believe in building a firm foundation for our children to equip them with a knowledge and understanding of God’s Word and His Kingdom.
Children are the hope of our future, so we aim to give them a solid foundation of Bible understanding. In order to facilitate this, the children’s services are conducted just as our adult services are in the main sanctuary. This teaches the children about worshiping God in praise and worship, prayer, and even the importance of giving. Our instructors prepare and teach lessons from the Bible to instruct our children of God’s love, the Blood of Jesus, and many Biblical stories that will later serve as reference points in their developing walk with God.
This is where you want your children to be. It's a place where children can still be children with all their creativity and challenged at the same time to mature into victorious young adults! We offer a safe, quality children's ministry for the kids. We go beyond fun as we teach strong biblical principals and communicate values that when acted upon will develop strong character in your children.
We invite you and your children to come and enjoy the Bible and its lifelong principles brought to life through our Children’s Ministry. Our Children's Church is Sunday Evenings at 6:30 PM
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 19:14